Author Website

Get a Professional Website to go from Writer to Renowned Author

Having a professional website as an author is integral to boosting your brand amongst your readers.
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    Why Should You Get a Professional Website as an Author?


    Increased Profits

    Having their own website can be advantageous for writers, as it allows them to sell their books directly to their fans. This can lead to higher profits for the author. Selling books through other channels can result in a lower profit margin, so having a website can be a profitable investment, especially for self-published authors.

    Speaking Engagements and Event Promotion

    A writer’s website can also be an effective way to advertise speaking engagements and other live events, such as seminars or workshops. This is particularly beneficial for authors who regularly give lectures or teach classes on a specific subject. A dedicated website can be a great tool for promoting the author’s writing and related services.

    Promotion of New and Ongoing Projects

    A writer’s website can also be used to promote upcoming projects and future works. By collecting email addresses from interested readers, writers can inform them when their new book or project becomes available. They can even offer pre-orders of their next book on their website, leading to increased sales and buzz before the book is even released.

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